Saturday, 31 May 2014

Waiheke Island - Land of Vineyards

Well into autumn now, but the forecast today was fab so we hopped on the bus to Devonport and caught the ferry over to Waiheke Island to sample some of the 22 vineyards it has to offer. Now hind sight is a great thing… Waiheke is a large island and it is definitely useful to have a car to get around (or even stay the night)...but on the assumption that driving and wine consumption aren't a great mix we thought it best not to bring the car.

Waiheke Island
One to add to the list...

As we soon discovered, the bus service runs in slow mo style, running on the hour and we really didn’t fancy spending our time hanging around bus stops. So it was an on foot expedition, and walk our little socks off we did….but on the positive, while you can’t cover as much ground, it is the best way of really getting to know a place.

Waiheke Island

Waiheke town is only a 15 min walk from the ferry port. A lovely little place… what I’d describe as rustic - full of shops selling unique items, with the odd gallery and studio thrown in for good measure. We made a quick all essential pancake and Nutella pitstop and then headed on down to the beach…. the start of our epic trek, end destination... CableBay Vineyard.

Waiheke Island

Waiheke Island

Waiheke Island

Waiheke Island

Waiheke Island

Our trekking adventure took us for a gentle stroll along the beach, then a clamber over some rocks, a lengthy session of rock pooling, up the embankment, hike across to the other side of the island to Blackpool Estuary full of birds waddling around in the mud...

Paradise shelduck
Paradise Shelduck

...past a Wharenui (Māori meeting house) to discover a shipwreck...

Waiheke island - shipwreck

battle up higher, higher and higher still over the never ending upward hill, more roadside rambling and yeah we’ve made it! All I can say is damn that chilled glass of vino was definitely welcome and tasted so good after our long walk! 

Waiheke Island - Cable Bay Vineyard

Waiheke Island - Cable Bay Vineyard

Cable Bay Vineyard is such a beautiful place with a fantastic relaxed atmosphere - a large seating area (where we sat) and people sprawled out across the lawn chillin’ on their bean bags and blankets, glass of vino in one hand sapping in the views of the Auckland skyline in the distance.

More Pork

The waitress pointed out a little 20 min shortcut back to the ferry and our eldest’s eagle eyes spotted a morepork (a New Zealand owl aka ruru) sitting on an overhanging branch over the path… totally awesome beautiful bird, and not all that common to see in the wild - so a brilliant little treat before we headed on our sunset ferry ride homeward bound to Auckland.

Waiheke Island

Returning from Waiheke Island - Auckland Skyline

Friday, 30 May 2014

Lunch time reunion

Brilliant little day today, quick jog on the treadmill, followed by a trip to library to do some bloggin’… get a call from an old uni friend Sam who is currently in Auckland on a business trip… "fancy a quick catch up and some lunch?" - hell yeah… so half an hour later we’re in Auckland harbour cramming in years worth of gossip in an hour over a bottle of wine. Hopefully we’ll be able to squeeze in another trip down to the South Island to see Sam, Jules and their little ones before heading back to the warmer climes of Britain.

Sam, Sam, Sam, all I can say is you haven't changed a bit!

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Takapuna Beach at Sunset

Beautiful day today... and a stunning after school family stroll to my favourite spot on Takapuna beach, not much to write really as I think the pics sum it all up....

Sunset on Takapuna Beach

Clay deposits on Takapuna Beach

Takapuna Beach - Rangitoto

Sunset on Takapuna Beach

Sunset on Takapuna Beach - The Sentinel

Sunset on Takapuna Beach - The Sentinel

Sunset on Takapuna Beach

Sunset on Takapuna Beach

Sunset on Takapuna Beach

Sunset on Takapuna Beach

So going to miss this.

Friday, 16 May 2014

School Trip to a Marae, Tutahi Tonu

One thing which I love about the school is the way they embrace New Zealand and the Maori culture. 

My youngest went on a school field trip today to visit a Marae (meeting house) in Auckland University called Tutahi Tonu (which means 'stand as one forever') where they learnt about Maori customs, and he even got to do a 'hongi' a traditional Maori greeting by touching your nose and forehead with the person you are meeting.

Carving and weaving in Tutahi Tonu Marae

The Marae was filled with beautiful carvings and weavings, all symbolising various Maori stories. A brilliant little day out for the children.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Bay of Plenty - Katikati

I’m getting well confused with all the names out here - they are all so similar… so you have Katikati (Bay of Plenty), Kitekite Falls (Piha), Karekare (Piha). And then there is Piha, Paihia (Bay of Islands)….have to say it’s definitely challenging my simple little brain somewhat! 

Now Chris and Kate go way back when we first met them in New Zealand during our pre-kids young and care free status 12 years ago. I have to say they haven’t  changed a bit - with the exception of now having 3 more in their family and it was so good to catch up - just like the old times. Their house is such a find with beautiful views over the reservoir and the kids didn’t need much of introduction - in fact within 5 minutes they were all off exploring having a little adventure in the mangroves right on their door step, while the adults opted for a far more relaxing rehydrating bottle of beer watching the last hour of sunshine over the river; beautiful! 

Katikati Reserve

Katikati Reserve

Sunday started with a leisurely breakfast followed by the spot of fishing on the river... 

Mud socks

... while Kate and I took a leisurely Mother's Day stroll along the 'Bird Walk' into town for a coffee. 

Katikati Reserve - Bird Walk

Katikati Reserve - Bird Walk

The kids were in their element and I have this horrible feeling that they are going to feel their lives are so dull when they head back to their pad in Takapuna!

In the afternoon we went to Waihi Beach… the most amazing surfing beach which stretched as far as the eye could see. Really felt we were on a set of Home and Away, just needed a teenage tragedy (forward 4 years) and we’d fit the bill perfectly! 

It didn't take long before the little ones were in the water floating over the surf in their rubber dingy, having way too much fun. 

Alas, Dan and I forgot our togs so Kate had the honours of taking the kids out on the surf... debatable really who is the biggest kid me thinks! 

New to us were these round disc like star fish otherwise known as sand dollars which were dotted around in the sand along the beach, pretty cool stuff.

Sand Dollars on Waihi Beach
Sand Dollars

Kids out of the water, reclothed and warmed up, fed and watered, it was time to say our farewells again and head back to our pad in Takapuna - such a lovely weekend.

Kingfisher on Waihi Beach