Tuesday 4 March 2014

School Camping trip to Waitangi

It's like getting blood out of stone to get my eldest to write about his camping trip to Waitangi, but we got there in the end...

"The camping trip was truly amazing! This is what I had to pack: a torch, toothbrush, toothpaste, sleeping bag, plate, roll mat, etc etc etc. Next we went to school… I forgot a very important item and luckily my mum had to run back to the flat and she got it just in time before the coach left! Then three huge coaches came! I got onto the coach and we drove away. I got to sit at the front as I get coach sick. The journey was long and tiring. 

Our first stop was called Waipu where we had a toilet break. We made up a saying that said “why poo when you can pee in Waipu!” We thought they were going to be fancy famous toilets but they were just a bunch of normal toilets. 

We got back onto the coach and I slept some of the way. Soon we were there at WAITANGI!!!! Next we had to find our bags. It was really tricky as there were so many bags. Once we had found them we had to put up the tents, which was hot and tiring work! We then stopped for a break and had lunch. After that we went on a bush walk and it was brilliant! We got to pass a mangrove and see a giant waterfall!!!! It was six thirty by the time we got back. We hardly had any dinner because all of the other groups took ours. Soon we went to bed. Our tent was small so we struggled to all fit in it. Two people had to sleep in the deck part at the entrance of the tent where you store all your bags. 

It was noisy when we woke up in the morning with all at the children talking. We had baked beans on toast, a hot dog sausage in a bun, slices of watermelon and home baking for breakfast. We then had to make up our pack lunches before packing up our tent and going to Waitangi.

Waitangi was a really cool place with lots of Maori stuff such as carvings, Poupous, a waka (war canoe) and a treaty house, and we even had a Maori greeting which was cool. Waitangi is the main place where they signed the treaty for New Zealand, which is about Britain and New Zealand joining forces and working together as one so they won’t harm each other in war. The best part about Waitangi was the bush walk because we saw lots of wild life on the way.

Then we got onto the boisterous boring bus home. The end. Thank goodness that is over and mummy is now off my back and will stop nagging me to write this part of the blog for her - she is so lazy making me do all her work for her."

Haruru Falls Marsh Walk- Waitangi Bay of Islands

Haruru Falls - Waitangi Bay of Islands

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