Monday 21 April 2014

South Island - Queenstown and The Ice Bar

OMG this place is just so stunningly beautiful. We have now ventured down to the South Island to Queenstown. Only a short 2 hour flight away but it just couldn’t be more different and what I remember New Zealand to be all about - intensely blue water framed with snow capped mountains - just the most breath taking scenery. 

The flight over was pretty spectacular too, snow capped mountains poking up through the clouds. I'm always saying to the boys to have a look out of the windows when coming into land, but it always falls on deaf ears as they would much rather opt for the inflight entertainment. This was one exception and they were totally glued to the windows which says it all really!

Flight to Queenstown

Our apartment couldn’t have been better either, all self contained, open plan with three rooms… think Grandma is particularly taken with it and now has budding self development plans/ grander floating round in her head. All very comfortable with windows and doors that open up and soak in the magnificent scenery. 

View from our apartment - Queenstown

I know I’m ranting on about it but I’m absolutely loving it. It is definitely fresher here too than up north and there is a crisp clean autumn chill in the air. The trees turning their beautiful autumn colours just adds to my total awe of this place (think I’m a mountain girl at heart).

Our apartment is slightly out of town and there is a path running along side the lake which leads us into Queenstown so an excuse to take a leisurely stroll into the town for a bite to eat, adults taking the path, boys opting to run the entire way along the waters edge. Queenstown has changed so much since we’ve been here 12 years ago, far more people and much more built up but it's still a little gem within New Zealand.

Queenstown, South New Zealand

Queenstown, South New Zealand

Well, our meal was one to go down in the books for one to remember… expensive with the 20% surcharge they added on for their bank holiday privilege, but so damn delicious… a whole leg of slow cooked NZ lamb and the fresh sea food platter…. the boys got to sample their very first oyster…divided opinion…50% yum and 50% yuck (cruel but very amusing to watch).

All for new experiences and the persistent nagging from the boys, our next stop was the “Ice Block” otherwise known as the Ice Bar. So after purchasing our cocktail/ mocktail vouchers and being kitted out in gloves and the prerequisite coats we were lead into the ice room for our designated 30 minutes of freezer time.  Not really sure what to expect… the room was much much smaller than I’d previously envisaged… the walls and bar area covered in ice with beautiful ice sculptures dotted around, all lit up with lights that changed colour periodically, very pretty. 


Queenstown, Ice Bar Ice Sculptures

Queenstown, Ice Bar Ice Sculptures

Queenstown, Ice Bar Ice Sculptures

Our glasses were made of ice and grandma was convinced that her mocktail was laced with a “see-through" liquid… seeing as she was struggling and slurring her way through the word “see-though” were clear indications that there was a high possibility that she was correct! So after we downed our chilled drinks - we made an exit to warmth outside. It was safe to say a good time was had by all and we even managed to escape without any tongue sticking injuries which is always a bonus. 

So here we have a pic of the boys looking like a couple of gangster hoodies…. 

.... and as for the Grand Parents....

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