Friday 14 February 2014

Auckland Lantern Festival

Dan had a quiet day so we had a relaxing day and were able to pop out to lunch before collecting the boys from school.

It was the Auckland Lantern Festival (post Chinese new year festival – year of the horse), so we caught the bus into Auckland and made our way to Victoria park. It was truly stunning - the trees were filled with various displays of hanging lanterns of all shapes and colours and we walked around the beautiful light displays dotted around the park. The atmosphere around the park was amazing, lots of families milling around or sitting having a snack from the food corner of the park  - which was absolutely rammed I might add.

The boys had a quick go on the water zorbing – hamsters running around a wheel springs to mind – who ever invented them is pure genius – great way of totally knackering out a child. I think I'm going to have to invest in one of these balls and a paddling pool when back in the UK. 

By the time we left the crowds had arrived and to say it was packed was an understatement – so think we go there just in time. Sadly I forgot my big camera had to make do with the phone camera but I think I managed to get a few shots!

Auckland Lantern Festival

Auckland Lantern Festival

Auckland Lantern Festival

Auckland Lantern Festival

Auckland Lantern Festival

Auckland Lantern Festival

Auckland Lantern Festival

Auckland Lantern Festival

Auckland Lantern Festival

Auckland Lantern Festival

Auckland Lantern Festival
The bit which brought a smile to my face was the karaoke tent... where people sat on the grass and went forth onto stage for a little sing song - very amusing. The one we watched was this elderly man who really got into it - dance moves and all. Felt like I was watching the X Factor auditions - where the crowd would whoop and cheer with encouragement when he did a little turn or slide to the left - very amusing to watch!

Remember you saw him here first!

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