Monday 10 February 2014

Learning to Sail on Lake Puke, Waterwise

Monday morning – the seniors at school had their Water Wise lesson at Lake Puke (which is a lake in a volcanic crater) this morning to continue part 2 of their sailing safety course. Given that my eldest wasn’t too keen on doing the swimming pool exercise I was fairly apprehensive about today, and in addition to me offering my services as a parent helper (I use the word helper in the loosest way as I think to be honest I was more of a hindrance), I didn’t sleep very well the night before – visions of me having to save drowning children flashing though my head did not bode well for a good nights sleep.

Anyway each child had to get on board a small sail boat, lean back on the sail and capsize the boat, then once in the water make sure it's totally upside down... then swim underneath and knock, say they were OK and come out, then pull the boat back upright (really hard work as the boat and sail are really heavy with water). Then they had to haul themselves back on board - again very hard when you are totally exhausted. Finally they had to jump back in from the boat and swim back the 50m to shore (with life jacket on). I watched all the other children, some of them struggling but little man surprised me and made the whole thing look so easy. After all the worrying I have to say all my concerns were put to rest and my son did me proud.

And when they aren't sailing they get to go in a kayak...

In order to do the sailing course all the children have to go through the training session and pass the capsizing exercise in order to go sailing each week. The instructors said that the children only have to do this once, just a safety thing as it's very rare if a child actually does fall into the water, never really happens...except to yours truly of course. So there I am at the end of the lesson in my unhelpful klutzy way attempting to help haul the boat out of the water. Rather than standing there like a lemon I think... I'll hold the sail to keep it out of the way of the stronger mums with the muscles pulling the boat out... unfortunately stand on the wrong side of the sail, gust of wind and over I go, knocked head first into the water - brining much delight to the audience of 60 children and all the teachers and helpers, glad I bring so much joy and happiness into other people's lives!

I have to say I'm so glad to be involved in the Water Wise lessons, such a fantastic opportunity for these lucky children and something so totally different to their activities back home. And lets face it pretty darn lucky to be able to spend my Monday morning in such a beautiful setting.

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