Thursday 6 February 2014

Beating the Blancmange

Well now the boys are at school the question begs… what shall I do with myself? I kind of want a break and fancy a change from my usual activities from back home, which would consist of me sitting down in front of the computer (yes I know I’m on the computer writing this).

On the plane over I watched a documentary saying that the biggest killer in an office is the chair it’s got me thinking that I really should try and be more active. I don’t know what it is, the flush of grey hairs that have graced their presence sprouting all over my head over the last year or the fact that I’m nearly 40, mid life crisis time, but surly it’s not too late to try and get fit?

I really don’t have a great sense of self discipline, in fact none at all when it comes to exercise, so it will be a slight challenge. I don’t really want to loose weight, although it would be nice if the central layer of fat round my waist that some what resembles a giant blancmange were to shrink ever so slightly, but it’s more about being healthy and fit. The other thing is that everyone out here is so darn fit – there are gyms everywhere, and people are out and all times of the day on their bikes, cycling, swimming, paddle boarding or even walking, and as they say, “when in Rome”… I’ve got to give it a go.

So here we go, day one in the gym...Do you ever have one of those moments where you just want to curl up and die, when you could turn on the invisible powers… well I just had one!

So off I trot to the gym (too hot and sunny to run on the beach today so better stick to indoors), set the ipod to Olly Murs, push a few buttons on the running machine and I’m trotting away happily, composed and controlled– feels good. 5 minutes later, cheeks are flushed and beads of sweat start popping up all over my face, time to cool down me thinks so I grab my bottle of water from the cup holder and take a quick swig, however returning it to the cup holder turns out to be not so straight forward and enroute I happen to catch the ear phone wire which pulls my ipod off it’s stand, onto the tread mill, and I briefly look round see it flick off the back of the machine… OK, no problem I quickly hit the pause button and turn around to go and retrieve the I pod. Brain slightly lacking in Oxygen at is point doesn’t think it might be wise to actually wait till the darn thing stops moving, and I take one step backwards and I go arse over tit in the air. Am I alone… oh no, sods law for the first time there are other people in the gym. The man on the machine running beside me turned round and asked if I was alright. Brushing myself off, regaining my composure I squeaked – “probably should have waited till it had stopped moving” to which he burst out laughing and agreed…. Laugh at my expense - not to worry I won't take it personally! Glad to have brought joy into someone’s life!

Me, embarking on exercise - slightly lacking oxygen, head fuzzy, blinking nora this is too much like hard work.... and for the record to all you runners out there... I'm still waiting for that moment when I start "loving to run"... so far I'm not feeling it... but I'll plod on!

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