Wednesday 5 February 2014

Cursed Cling Film

OK feel slightly guilty. Big little man came home to let me know that he was moved down their reward chart at school today. Each child starts the day on green and they can move up through bronze, silver and gold or move downwards towards red depending on various factors, behavior, demonstrating responsibility, etc. 

Unfortunately I had wrapped his sandwich in cling film which is a big no no. I also gave him a fruit juice, nothing fizzy, just a simple carton with straw – but unfortunately they aren’t allowed as they have sugar in them and come in a carton, so discouraged. 

The school is an eco friendly school and try to encourage their pupils to think about recycling and being responsible to the environment, so ideally pack lunches should be wrapper free. They check pack lunches to not only make sure the contents are healthy, and to make sure the children have eaten their lunch, but to make sure they are wrapper free. 

So looks like I’m going to have to rethink the boys’ lunches… I guess it’s just a mindset and while initially it seems a right old pain (especially as I'm cling film queen), I guess it makes sense and is good to make the children think about the impact on the environment. There is one thing about talking about recycling and another to enforce eco friendly practices. It’s definitely made me think about what I've been putting in their pack lunches in the past and will try and be more wrapper free once back in the UK, tupperware here we come.

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