Tuesday 7 January 2014

Cheerio England and Hello New Zealand

It's Monday and it's one one week now (minus a day which we lost in a weird time warp) since we set off to New Zealand, so it seems appropriate to make a start on our blog, our little mini diary of our adventure in New Zealand.

The reason for my NZ blog is to keep a record of our memories down in New Zealand, both for us, the boys and for all you lovely peeps back home, so you can see what we’ve been getting up to, and for any others out there looking for ideas for family things to do in New Zealand.

Rest assured I say it as it is - it's very difficult to see whether an attraction is any good by reading the glossy brochures, so if we find anything not up to much we'll say so... but word of warning this is our opinion!!!

We’ve moved to New Zealand for a brief 6 months for Dan’s fellowship at North Shore Hospital in Takapuna, and it feels like there is already so much to note down, as we seem to have done so much. I hope to keep on top of all our goings on and general NZ vs UK differences, and I’m sure it will be easier once the boys start school as I’ll have more time on my hands, however I’ll most likely be playing catch up at the start as there is so much floating round in my head that I want to write about and I’m sure I won’t be able to do it in one sitting! So to quickly jot down things I want to write about are….
  • The oh so long flight over
  • Fighting the jet lag
  • First impressionsof NZ
  • Our first stay in Takapuna Motor Lodge
  • The weather (no intention at all to rub in how glorious and warm it’s been so far)
  • Our trip to see the giant Kauri Trees
  • The Takapuna weekly Sunday Market
  • New Zealand Shopping
  • Our purchase of our new (old) car
  • Moving into our apartment
  • Trip up the Auckland Sky Tower
  • Auckland Zoo
  • Takapuna Beach
  • The march up Mount Victoria
  • Rangitoto Volcano
As I write this it's lunch time and I'm siting by the pool side watching our two boys Masters J & S try and drown themselves having way too much fun in the motel's pool. They have managed to lay their hands of some flippers and snorkels which has transformed them into some strange rather hyperactive frog boys.
Playing in Takapuna Motor Lodge Pool

It is Dan's first day at work today (boo holiday over) and it was an early start at 7.30am - a short 2 minute drive from our motel. Being the first day it's all inductions and introductions and lots of form filling, so hopefully it won't be too onerous a day and he'll make it back early!

I've just checked my phone and it's 10 in the evening back in the UK (3 degrees C) and raining - quite a contrast to the glorious summer sun we've been having here.

So to start at the beginning... after a lovely rather teary send off by the McNeen Clan and one King we embarked on our epic flight. Generally it was fine, one of those, it’s got to be done so grin and bear it  and sit it out situations. But it’s no lie, it’s a long, long trip over from the UK and one I’d definitely not want to embark on a regular basis. To summarise...
  • 6 ½ hours to Dubai
  • 12 hours to Sydney (New years day)
  • 3 hours at Sydney airport
  • 2 ½ hours to Auckland, New Zealand
...plus all the travel too and from the airport and lots & lots of waiting.

Quite a long hall and while Master S thought it was the coolest thing ever to live on a plane for a day and have unlimited movies, TV and games with the restricted time limit lifted, the novelty soon wore off! All in all the Qantas flight was great however I have a small bee in my bonnet...

1) Where were the little goodie bags for the kids and 

2) my little wash bag, you know the one with the little mini toothpaste, flight socks and sleep shades... I've always got these in the past... little things please little minds and not one to shy away from my limitations... I've got a very teeny mind, and

3) probably the most important criteria that was lacking and missed... our glass of champers to celebrate in the New Year? I mean how many times to you get to fly through a time warp over the New Year? I know it was lights out time, but for the few of us who were awake (as I did not have my night shades in my little goodie bag - not to go on or anything), it would have been a nice touch!

Anyway the shorter flight over from Sydney to Auckland was first class. The boys got their goodie bags and the staff were so friendly and knew the boys names, stopping for little chats - a true introduction to the the New Zealand life!

Once in New Zealand we had a couple more bag checks (including being walked past the cute sniffer dogs)... note to the dog loving Grandma - when you come out and visit, it is not OK for you to stop for a stroke and chat to the officers with the sniffer dogs... warning aside I have this sinking feeling she'll give it a go! Through immigration and finally at the airport, and out into the warm sunshine - just lovely.

Then were were faced with the challenge of squeezing our 10 suitcases plus 2 boys in our small hire car Tetris style, we set off on our 40 minute drive to the Takapuna Motor Lodge, our home for the next week.
Tight squeeze in our hire car, but we made it, just
A tight squeeze
We'd been driving not more than five minutes when we approached a police road block which turned out to be a breathalizing check point (note to Grandpa - it might be an idea to abstain from your whisky on the rocks on the flight over from Australia) where they were stopping all cars and asking the drivers to blow into a breathalizer tube contraption. Now in my little prudish world where I really frown on drink driving I was so impressed. Back in England there is so much talk about drink driving and expensive adverts, but surely action speak louder than words?

The smaller of our boys fell unconsious during the drive over from the airport and was peeled out of the car and straight into bed where he sleep the same position through till morning - to say he was cream crackered is an understatement.

Jet lag surprizingly hasn't been much of an issue. We arrived at the motel around 6pm and so were able to go straight to sleep which as perfect. Had we arrived in the morning and had to stay awake all day - I'm sure it would have been more of an issue.

One thing I am having is this super weird dizzy thing going on in my head. When I stand still I feel like the room is spinning. It's fine when I'm walking around but horrible when I stand still, similar to the feeling when you step off a boat and you are still moving- hope it doesn't last, it's being going on for a week now!

Playing in the pool at Takapuna Motor Lodge - daddy's back from work

Yippee Daddy Dan has just graced us with his presence and is back from work much to the delight of the boys who are trying to pull him into the pool, so here comes the end of my first blog entry and will continue my first impressions on Takapuna tomorrow.

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