Friday 24 January 2014

One Tree Hill - Auckland

This weekend was a long weekend as Dan had Friday off and it was Auckland Day on Monday, another excuse to have yet another bank holiday! Friday was spent visiting One Tree Hill in Auckland. Once we finally got our act together and got out the flat, went on a little round about detour sightseeing the houses of Auckland (my map reading skills are very poor to say the least - could be described as non existent) we finally made it there for our picnic.

One Tree Hill, Auckland - Fig tree

One Tree Hill is a large park full of the most magnificent trees, giant fig trees, red woods and fabulous avenue of stunning trees as you enter the park. After we filled our tummies we started the gentle climb to the top of the hill, the boys selecting a couple of climbing “twigs” which they insisted were fundamental in order to trek up the 'mountain'!

View from One Tree Hill Auckland

At the top there wasn’t a tree (the question of why it’s called one tree hill remains - believe there was one there originally but it was cut down and the name remains), however at the summit was the grave of Sir John Logan Campbell who owned the land and a tall obelisk which he requested to be built in honour of the Maori. Oh yes and with all hill hikes comes the fab views - time for a catch-breath rest and to soak in the Auckland views.
Obelisk at the summit of One Tree Hill

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