Saturday 15 February 2014

Blue Spring - Te Waihou Walkway

We had some time before heading over to our motel, so stopped at the Blue Spring for a late evening afternoon walk. All I can say is wow - the water was so crystal clear and had an intence turquoise blue colour. 

Blue Spring - Te Waihou Walkway

Blue Spring - Te Waihou Walkway

Blue Spring - Te Waihou Walkway

Blue Spring - Te Waihou Walkway

Blue Spring - Te Waihou Walkway

It was late afternoon and the sun was setting, and once the water is in the shade the blueness is lost, so if I were to do this trip again I’d plan it when the sun is higher…that said it didn’t stop the boys going for a quick refreshing dip – yikes it was a little bit chilly!

Talk about coincidences... as I sit here writing about the Blue Springs in Takapuna library, I've just had a look at my bottle of water....guess where the water comes from... and I quote "Signature Range Spring Water is bottles at source from one of New Zealand's famous springs called the Blue Springs"... how weird is that!

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