Friday 7 February 2014

Waterwise training and end of week one at school

I was one of the parent helpers at the school today – the year 5 and 6’s will be learning to sail, but before they do so they have a couple of safety lessons, one in the pool and one in the lake before they are let loose on their own boat.

I was stationed at the exercise where the children had to swim a width of the pool with clothes on and an then attempt to take their non swimming clothes off whilst treading water - and I think the children were quite surprised at how hard it was to do this.

Other exercises were swimming under a boat that was capsized, hauling themselves out of the pool using a rope, swimming under a tarpaulin lying flat on the water and then pushing it up for air and learning to put a life jacket on in the water. All quite challenging but most of the New Zealand kids are like ducks to water and they seemed to breeze though the exercises.

Then back to the school again for the closing week’s assembly – the parents can come early to watch if they so wish. Both boys got a new starters certificate, so needless to say after school it was a trip down to our local shop to get well deserved ice-cream.

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