Thursday 27 February 2014

Rotorua - Skyline Gondola and Luge Rides

To say the boys loved luging in Rotorua is an understatement! They just wanted to keep on going and going. We bought a package at the bottom Skyline Luge ticket office which consisted of the gondola ride to the top of the mountain, 8 luge rides and a skyline buffet at the restaurant at the top. Once at the top the boys were asked if they wanted to feed the sheep and alpacas - an offer they couldn't turn down!

Rotorua - Skyline Luge & Gondola - feeding the lamas, alpacas

Rotorua - Skyline Luge & Gondola - feeding the lamas, alpacas

Then it was off to grab our crash helmets and go for our luge trip back down the mountain. The luges are dead easy to control, however given our youngest's gung-ho no-fear attitude and general lacking of self preservation, we thought it best for him to go on with Dan. There are 3 different rides of different levels. The slowest beginner ride is known as the scenic ride and is defiantly longer than the others, my preferred option, but alas the boys liked the trill of speed and near misses of the other tracks.

Really really good fun and a must for anyone coming to Rotorua... I think there is a luge ride down south in Queenstown too - will have to give that one a go when we get there. Once at the bottom, a chair - similar to a ski lift takes you back up to the top to do it all over again...

and again...

Finally we had a buffet meal at the restaurant to fill our little tummies. The boys got stuck into eat-as-much-as-you-want sea food... crabs, muscles, oysters, followed by steaks and sausages. The only problem was there was just so much to choose from! Fab puddings too, and I opted for the crepes...I can feel the poundage pilling on!! Not only was the food second to none but we had an amazing view over Rotorua Lake to boot - the perfect way to end a fantastic weekend. We'll definitely be back for more!

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