Thursday 13 February 2014

Lacking the tall gene

Our eldest's school shoes decided to finally call it a day today, barely clinging onto his foot as we slowly shuffled our way back after school… time for a new pair so off we trotted to the shoe shop. OK, I know rumour has it that children tend to have growth spurts in the summer but there must be something in the water here too… Our 9 year old officially left the UK a month and half ago a size 3 and is now a size 5… when did that happen? He is now officially ½ a size smaller than me… what is going on? 

The smaller of the two is also going through some sort of mutant growth spurt too… and his toes are also starting to creep over the edge of his shoes, so he’s in for a new pair in the next couple of weeks too. Always the one to need coaxing at meal times to try and speed him up as he painfully picks his way through the plate of  food… no longer, he now has a new approach to food – and goes at it all guns blazing, now the first to finish and wanting more…Sadly I think my ‘tall’ days are numbered.

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