Monday 3 February 2014

First Day at School

After their extended Christmas/ extended summer holiday the boys started school today. After all the talk about being really nervous they were waiting at the door at 8.15am all kitted out in their smart uniforms itching to go... so off we headed for our onerous 5 minute walk to school, (oh I am so spoilt!)

Once at school we briefly met the boys school teachers who seem lovely and found out that our eldest is actually in year 5 now, and not in year 4 as previously thought.

At 9 am the bell rang and all the children made their way to the hall where they had a brief introduction by the head and a brief introduction to the teachers. Lots of parents headed off at this stage but I suck around and it was actually really useful as it gave me a valuable insite into the school and I have to say as first impressions go it's going pretty well.

It clearly came across how totally dedicated and passionate the head was to the school and the children. She started off with a warm welcome and explained how it was OK to be nervous to be back at school, and she covered lots of information about the school but the pointers I took home with me were...

They take the sun safety really seriously, and it is compulsory to wear sun hats, and the type that have a brim all around the hat. Any child who doesn't have a hat won't be allowed to play in the sun and will have to sit in the shade.

Swimming is an essential part of the ciriculum and it is important that all children learn how to swim. They have two swimming lessons each week and an additional optional two lunchtime swimming sessions which is highly encouraged.

The school also promote healthy eating, and as such they do not allow any fizzy drinks and sweets (including chocolate is a complete no no). In generally anything that comes in a wrapper is considered not healthy and not allowed... at this point I started to sink in my seat thinking about the little mini chocolate bars I've popped into the boys lunch boxes... hoping they won't get into trouble!!).

Again bringing in sweets to hand out because of your birthday isn't allowed. She explained that if everyone did this then the parents loose control on what their children are eating so it just simply isn't allowed. I thought this was so refreshing. Back in the UK I hear how the schools are adopting a healthy eating policy, but this loosely controlled and is more hear say rather than put into action.

Another thing (I'm loving this school) was the emphasis on responsibility and how it was the people who do things for other people, who help others (and not for their own benefit) succeed in life. The headmistress really stressed how fundamental this was and she wanted to see the children demonstrate this, helping the new people by showing them around and being their friends, and generally showing kindness and respect to all, to take all the new families that have joined and make them feel welcome and join the big family. There are 44 different nationalities in the school and everyone should be made to feel welcome.

After her speech, all the year 4's and below lined up and respectfully headed back to their classrooms with their teachers, leaving the year 5's and 6's behind, the now Seniors of the school. The head talked to the children saying what an important role they have for the rest of the school. All the younger children look up to them and how it was important for them to set an example to and help the younger ones. Following this a list of responsibilities were handed out, from being a Personal Assistants, to being in charge for turing on the school road sign lights on, setting out chairs in assembly etc. Each child was given a role of responsibility, a job per say and depending on how they carried out their tasks throughout the year they were then prefect positions handed out. Again it was stressed that good behaviour was expected and at the end of the year cups would be handed out for different achievements.

I have to say, one thing I was most surprised (should I be surprised?) at as how well behaved the children were, they all sat on the hard floor listening to the teachers, no one causing trouble or a nuisance (well all bar one, but he was immediately told to move). None of the namby pamby, softy softy approach to teaching. I get the impression that all the teachers approach is kind and fair, but step out of line and things might change. I know time will tell but so far I'm really impressed with what I've seen.

3pm on the dot the children were let out of their class room and the boys were buzzing trying to tell me about their day both at once... the seniors will be learning to sail on Mondays and year 3's didn't get any homework today (thrilled to bits...oh how that's not going to last!)

So we headed back to our flat, got changed, went for an ice-cream on the beach to finish off a brilliant day.

Takapuna Beach

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