Wednesday 12 February 2014

Culture Week at school

It is culture week and the school is celebrating the diversity of all the 44 different nationalities within the school. Today the children had to bring in a plate of food to share with the rest of the class – which is a great idea, but blinkin' nightmare when you come from old Blighty... so what is Britian's signature dish, and more importantly one that I can easily knock up for school. So after much scratching of heads to come up with a British food option (cucumber sandwiches, roast beef, fish & chips, tea, cider (don't think that would go down very well at school) the boys ended up taking in Wimbledon's strawberries and cream. 

Again dress up traditional british costume... drew another slight blank... thank goodness for Takapuna Market, little flat cap, braces and a belt in red white and blue, and Bob's your uncle.

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