Wednesday 8 January 2014

First Impressions of Takapuna, New Zealand

At the moment Dan has gone to work and the boys are still watching the inside of their eyelids so I’d better take this valuable opportunity of peace and tranquility before the mayhem starts! I’ve already heard movement and mumbles so I’d better crack on as time is limited.

So the first impressions on Takapuna and New Zealand as a whole...
  • Very quiet... where is everyone (although noted it is school holiday time)
  • It's quite acceptable to walk around barefoot with no shoes
  • Food is really expensive
  • Petrol is cheaper though
  • Very clean and orderly
  • They like their Agapanthus flowers (or Agatha Panthers as referred to by Master S)
  • No back packers in Takapuna
  • The weather is warm and sunny but a dry heat, not the sweaty humid kind
  • Beautiful calm beach

Takapuna Beach in Auckland New Zealand

When we woke up the next morning following our long awaited jet lag coma we decided to go exploring around Takapuna so we went for a short stroll into town and ended up at the Beach Cafe which explained who the whole of Takapuna was empty... everyone was here... it was rammed! Obviously very popular. We decided on a round of pint sized freshly squeezed orange juice followed a sample of ice creams. After much deliberation the honeycomb ice-cream was selected and it was fab - no digging around required for minuscule crumbs of honey combe - here there were enormous chunks of the stuff, far more like it!

Right I’ve just heard the pitter patter of tiny feet marking the end of this blog entry. More on the Auckland Sky Tower tomorrow. Night night to all you over in England it's breakfast time here!

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