Sunday 12 January 2014

Walk up Rangitoto Volcano

I really enjoyed today. In the distance from Takapuna beach you can see Rangitoto volcano and today we drove the 10 minutes down to Devonport and caught a ferry over to the island. The brochures warn you that there are no places to buy food and drink on Rangitoto and to bring a picnic so it was a mad rush this morning getting together our lunch (as always everything is last minute with us, very disorganized family but we get there in the end!)

Ferry from Devonport to Rangitoto - Auckland skyline
Ferry from Devonport to Rangitoto - Auckland skyline

The island scenery is totally unique and different and the walk took us up past vast lava flows. The ground being black seemed to radiate heat and being a hot day anyway we needed several stops for water. It took just over one hour to get to the top which took us to two look out spots; one over the crater of the volcano and the other with views back to the main island and Auckland – quite stunning. 

Rangitoto Volcanic Island lava flow
Lava fields in Rangitoto
Rangitoto Volcanic Island
Rangitoto Crater
Rangitoto Crater
View from Rangitoto Volcanic Island Summit
View from Rangitoto
Walk around Rangitoto Volcanic Crater

Walking through Cave-like Lava Tubes
Ranitoto Volcano - cave like lava tubes
Rangitoto Volcano
And going back home to Devonport...

Then back down to catch the last ferry back home - a fab day.

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