Wednesday 15 January 2014

Milford Beach and Belgian Beer Cafe, Takapuna

Unfortunately Dan had to go to work (difficult to take time off when you've just started). So after a morning of card and present opening, balloons, sing songs and a fry up he headed off to work. The boys and I busied ourselves by collecting a chocolate cake from Eve's bakery (best cakes ever), and decorated it with some sea shell chocolates.

The boys were desperate to check out the rock pools so we took a walk along to the left of Takapuna Beach. The first little section was full of lava rock pools, a fossil forrest in a lava flow none the less. About a 100,000 years ago Lake Pupuke which was once a volcanic crater erupted and the lava and ash surrounded a forrest of trees including the giant Kauri. The trees either burnt or rotted away leaving their imprints in the lava - quite fascinating. Along the walk there was one hole which was covered up with a grill as it was over 3 metres deep. This was obviously a popular walk as we passed many people enroute, the end of which led us to another long stretch of white sandy beach -Milford Beach.

Fossil lava forest on Takapuna Beach

Once Dan managed to escape work we sampled a slice of the chocolate cake and headed out into Takapuna to the Belgian Beer Cafe for a birthday meal, steak as requested by Dan, yum.

Attempting to blow out the candle under the cooker extractor fan so not to set off the sprinklers in the apartment.
Belgian Beer Cafe Steak, Takapuna

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